Jiminy Peak Race Team Weekly Update - Week 8 Edition
We have had an awesome week of weather that has included some natural snow and perfect snowmaking weather - we are hoping to have more training venues available this weekend.
Friday, January 19
U18/U16/U14/U12: Meet coaches on Crane Patio at 5PM ready to ski; GS skis recommended; Coach Sasha will be working with the U18 and U16s; Coaches Brian and Dan will be working with U14 and U12 athletes. Those arriving after 5PM should wait at the TOP of the Berkshire Express lift to meet up with the appropriate group. Friday session will wrap at 8PM
Saturday, January 20
U18: Meet coaches at top of Exhibition East at 8:55AM prepared to ski slalom gates; SL skis and protective gear recommended
U16: GS RACE at Berkshire East; race day logistics to be communicated separately; those not racing should follow U18 plan.
U14/U12: Meet coaches at Race Arenas at 9AM ready to ski slalom gates; SL skis and protective gear recommended.
U10: Meet coaches on Crane Patio at 9AM ready to ski for coach directed free-skiing and drills
U8: Meet coaches on Crane Patio at 9AM ready to ski for coach directed free-skiing and drills
Sunday, January 21
U18: SL RACE at Catamount; race day logistics to be communicated separately; those not racing should follow U16 plan.
U16: Meet coaches at top of Exhibition East at 8:55AM prepared to ski SLALOM gates; SL skis and gear recommended
U14/U12 Meet coaches on RACE ARENA at 9AM ready to ski GIANT SLALOM gates; GS skis recommended.
U10: Meet coaches on Crane Patio at 9AM ready to ski for coach directed free-skiing and drills
U8: Meet coaches on Crane Patio at 9AM ready to ski for coach directed free-skiing and drills