How Do I Become A USSA & Tri-State Member?
All the racers must join two different associations in order to compete in the Tri-State. They are the USSA (United State Ski Association) and Tri-State. The application forms on-line. Remember, the athlete must carry these association membership cards with them at all times.
How do I enter races?
Tri-State racers in classes U12 and above must register for each race through the AdminSkiRacing web site. Remember to register early enough to ensure entry.
What equipment do I need?
All Racers must clearly mark ALL skis, poles, helmets and clothing with racers name and contact information. Please make sure the athlete’s name is clearly visible on team jackets.
Helmet: Full coverage helmet with hard ear covers is required for both training and racing
Skis: One pair of Junior Racing Skis. (‘twin tip’ or freestyle skis are not ideal for race training and are discouraged)
Boots: Race boots with minimum three buckles preferred
Poles: One set of straight poles is sufficient
Helmet: Helmet with hard ear covers required for both training and race days
Skis: Recommended that skiers have two sets of skis – 1 pair of GS Skis and 1 pair of Slalom skis
Poles: Recommended that skiers have 2 pairs of poles – 1 pair of a GS poles (can be straight or bent) and 1 pair of Slalom poles with pole guards. All poles must have baskets.
Boots: Recommended that skiers have race boots (four buckle boots)
Slalom Equipment: Chin bars, pole guards, and shin guards are mandatory equipment for all slalom training days and slalom races. Athletes that do not have proper equipment will not be permitted to run slalom gates. It is important to note that this equipment, especially chin bars, has a specific purpose and should only be worn for slalom training, NOT for GS training or free skiing. Chin bars should be removed from helmets when not slalom training.
U14 / U16 / U19
Helmet: U14 & Older athletes need helmets that are FIS approved and have the approved designation sticker on the helmet.
GS Helmet: Athletes U14 and older must use helmets that meet the new FIS standards for all USSA GS, SG and DH competitions and training. Helmets must cover the head and ears. Helmets with spoilers or edges that stick out are not permitted. Helmets must display a sticker indicating conformity to current FIS standards.
SL Helmet: Removable chin bars can be purchased to fit most FIS approved GS helmets so they can also be used for Slalom training and races. Alternatively, athletes can use a 2nd ‘open ear’ helmet for Slalom training and racing.
Skis: Athletes are required to have at least 1 pair of slalom skis and 1 pair of GS skis that adhere to the USSA Equipment Regulations set forth in the Alpine Competition Guide including the following:
SL Skis: minimum length 130cm with no minimum radius
GS Skis: minimum radius 17m with no minimum length
Boots: Racing boots are recommended. Many older racers prefer ‘plug’ boots with lace-up liners, but this is not a requirement.
Poles: Recommended that skiers have 2 pairs of poles – 1 pair of a GS poles (can be straight or bent) and 1 pair of Slalom poles with pole guards. All poles must have baskets.
Slalom Equipment: Chin bars, pole guards, and shin guards are mandatory equipment for all slalom training days and slalom races. Athletes that do not have proper equipment will not be permitted to run slalom gates. It is important to note that this equipment, especially chin bars, has a specific purpose and should only be worn for slalom training, NOT for GS training or free skiing. Chin bars should be removed from helmets when not slalom training.
GS Equipment: GS Arm guards are optional.
Can you recommend any ski shops?
JPRT does not endorse any agreements with these ski shops, but some vendors might provide a discount if you mention you are part of the team.
Steiner’s Sports Valatie, NY (518) 784-3663
Cycleology Bike & Ski in Westport, CT
Ski Fanatics, Pittsfield, MA
What do I need to know about points and start orders?
For the U16 and U19+ races, the start orders for each race are decided by the racer’s USSA points. This is a ranking system ranging from 0.00 to 990.00. A racer will start with 990.00 points. The points an athlete will receive for each individual race depends on the level of the racers completing the competitions as well as the athlete’s time for the race in comparison to the winner’s time. Subsequently, a racer’s two best results in the current season are averaged out in each of the four disciplines to become the basis for the future race rankings. These points are updated periodically.
For the U14/U12 races, the starting orders are rotated by seed groupings to give all racers equal opportunity to start early.